Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What Anesthesia’s Are Used in Dental Surgery?

What Anesthesia’s Are Used in Dental Surgery?

By: Bart Samuri

When undergoing dental surgery, one is usually placed under anesthesia. Going under such drugs can cause fear in some people, however, they are usually quite safe as long as you let you’re dentist know of any medications or health problems you have. The following are the most common anesthesia that is used for dental surgery in the USA. Nitrous Oxide or N2O, which is more commonly referred to as laughing gas, is a drug that connects to the hemoglobin in the lungs and travels to the brain, causing a disengaged and spaced out sensation.

Common local anesthetics, (drugs that prevent infection and numb the patient) include, Lidocaine, Lidocaine and Marcaine, which are derived from cocaine and striped of the stimulating properties. These may be used together, depending on the person and operation. While usually safe, these can result in toxicity which can include dizziness, confusion, coma, or seizures. In extreme cases, it may result in a cardiovascular system collapse.

Talk to your doctor for more details. Eugenol is made from clove oil and is used by dentists as a topical treatment to perhaps numb the skin for a needle or for minor procedures. For major surgeries, a general anesthetic is often used such as Versed, Ketamine or Fetynyl which cause the patient to become completely unconscious and oblivious to pain. If you are planning on having dental surgery in the near future, and you have any questions about the types of anesthetics are going to be used, please don’t hesitate to confront your doctor or dentist with any concerns you might have.

Article Source: http://101healthonline.com

Bart Samuri writes about oral surgery, dental surgery and dental supplies topics. This article is free to re-print as long as nothing is changed, all links remained intacked, the bio remains in full and the rel="nofollow" tag is not added to any of the links. Thank-you - Please visit Oral Surgery and Supplies

Remove Fat From Body Through Liposuction Medical Procedure

Remove Fat From Body Through Liposuction Medical Procedure


Liposuction is the medical procedure in which fat is removed from specific, predetermined areas on your body. These areas might include thighs, stomach, knees, upper arms, buttocks, hips, cheeks and neck. It’s a fairly common procedure that many people have had performed with great results.

Though liposuction can help sculpt your body, it’s not a miracle worker. You still need to exercise and eat healthfully if you want to maintain the results the procedure gave you. If you’ve been exercising but just can’t seem to get rid of the fat in one area, perhaps liposuction would work for you.

Having liposuction won’t give you the perfect body you’ve always dreamt about. It will enhance your body, but be realistic about what it’s going to do for you. Think this procedure over carefully before you decide to go under the knife.

The people doctors consider to be great candidates for liposuction are those that have lost large amounts of weight and still have excess fat in areas. You must be healthy to have this procedure and should know what to expect from your results.

At your first consultation, your surgeon will determine whether you’re healthy enough for the procedure and assess where your fat is deposited. Your surgeon will talk to you about what goes on in the procedure, how much fat will be taken out and any health risks to you. This isn’t the time to be shy, speak up and ask anything that is on your mind. This is your body and you deserve to know everything that is going to happen to it.

Make sure to check out your surgeon’s background so you get the peace of mind of knowing he has the required education. Also, get someone to drive you to the center and home after your procedure. There’s much more to learn about liposuction and your surgeon will gladly explain every step of it to you in much greater detail.

Article Source: http://101healthonline.com

James Hunt has spent 15 years as a professional writer and researcher covering stories that cover a whole spectrum of interest. Read more at www.liposuction-central.info

The Best Candidates For Abdominoplasty

The Best Candidates For Abdominoplasty


Abdominoplasty is more popularly known as a tummy-tuck. It is a major surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen. It is also used to tighten the muscles in the stomach of the abdominal wall. Both men and women to decrease the appearance of a protruding abdomen use this procedure. While this procedure does reduce the size the stomach it does leave a scar on the abdomen. For some people this scar could go from hip to hip, or it may be smaller in others.

The Best Candidates For A Tummy Tuck

The best candidate for abdominoplasty are men and women who are in good shape overall but who are bothered by a large or loose abdomen that they cannot get rid of even through dieting and weight loss. In most cases women opt for this surgery and it is helpful to women who have, as a result of pregnancy, stretched their abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they can return to normal.

If you are looking to lose a lot of weight then you should not rush into having the surgery. Also if you plan on having any children in the future then you should postpone having this procedure this is due to the fact that muscles of the stomach will tighten during surgery and can separate during pregnancy.

Risks Of Abdominoplasty

This surgery is not without risks. While there are thousands of surgeries performed each year that is quite successful there are those that do not go as planned?

Post-operation complications can arise. These include such things as infections and blood clots, although these are rare, they can do occur in some cases. In most cases these post-operative complications are treatable with either drainage or antibiotics. To minimize blood clots you should move around as soon after the surgery as possible.

If you smoke then you will advised to stop as smoking could result in complications. This could also delay the healing. You can reduce the chance of complications by following the doctor’s instructions very closely.

Article Source: http://101healthonline.com

James Hunt has spent 15 years as a professional writer and researcher covering stories that cover a whole spectrum of interest. Read more at www.abdominoplasty-central.info

Take A Vacation from Stress and Return Refreshed, In One Hour

Take A Vacation from Stress and Return Refreshed, In One Hour

By: Abbas Abedi

Did you know that massage has been used as a therapy to ease human aches and pains and create relaxation for thousands of years. The instinct to rub and stroke muscles that are tense and tired has been refined and studied so that massage therapy performed by a professionally trained practitioner can promote health and well being, relieve stress and help heal injured areas of your body.


Have you thought about seeking massage therapy for healing or relaxation? There are many techniques of massage therapy to choose from. Some therapies, such as those used for athletes, are focused on healing injured tissue by increasing circulation and preventing injury that can be caused by tense muscles.

Other therapies combine massage with soft music, dim lighting and soothing aromatherapy oils to relieve stress and enhance feelings of well being.

Massage therapy can also provide relief from many common ailments from morning sickness to migraines.


Massage helps with the circulation of blood and the release of toxins. Massage increases the circulation of oxygen through the body, helping to heal muscles and reduce tension. The increased circulation can also increase lymphatic drainage helping to rid the body of excess fluids and waste.

The physical manipulation of muscles can break down any scar material, thickening or inflammation of the tissues which can increase mobility and reduce stiffness. The additional mobility and toning can help prevent injury, especially for athletes who use massage therapy as part of their regular training.

Proper techniques of massage therapy can also help relieve constipation and gas and encourage proper digestion.

Relaxation of the physical body can also reduce the effects of stress physiologically. After a session of massage therapy you may feel relaxed, refreshed and feel greater self-esteem.


The type of therapy you choose will be based on your personal preference or the purpose of the therapy. One of the most common forms of massage is based on Swedish massage which involves the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body with the masseuse's's hands. Swedish massage is often used for general relaxation and increasing mobility of the joints but can also be adapted to target specific problems.

The other common form of massage has Eastern origins. These techniques are performed by putting pressure on specific areas of the body with fingers or other blunt objects (acupressure) or needles (acupuncture). These techniques are used to relieve ailments such as: headaches, nausea, depression, pain, digestive disorders as well as stress and other ailments.

There are many variations on these techniques and what appeals to one person may be very different for someone else. Feeling comfortable with the technique as well as the practitioner is important in experiencing the full benefits of the massage. Whatever method you choose you are wise to take time to find the right person for you; determine if the practitioner is trained, qualified, insured and has recommendations before starting treatment and feel comfortable with the setting you will be receiving your massage in.

Article Source: http://101healthonline.com

Abbas Abedi CHt If you are interested in natural techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in your life today, then sign up for my free eCourse titled, “4 Days to Break Free from a Stressful Lifestyle” at Instant Stress Management

How to get rid of cellulite now!

How to get rid of cellulite now!

By: The Rich Dude

It has been the bane of every women's existence since the dawn of time - the affliction known as cellulite. We all have it to varying degrees, and it seems to get worse as we get older in many cases. So, should we just resign ourselves to the fact that it is here to stay, or is there a way to fight and get rid of cellulite?

Thankfully, the answer is yes, we can fight cellulite, or at least the appearance of cellulite, through several therapeutic treatments that are available on the market today. It is not, however, a one-time deal. Once you stop the treatments, the cellulite will inevitably return. So, the treatment of cellulite is an ongoing commitment, and it should be incorporated as part of your daily beauty regimen for consistent and lasting reduction in it's appearance.

Some of the over-the-counter cellulite treatments actually do quite a good job of significantly reducing the appearance of cellulite. In order to achieve maximum effectiveness with these products, it is imperative that you massage the affected areas vigorously for a few minutes when applying the treatment. In addition to the smoothing and tightening ingredients in the treatment, the massaging stimulates circulation and helps break the collagen bands that have constricted and resulted in the "puckered" look of the affected areas. The most effective ingredients, and what gives these products their smoothing effects, are caffeine and aminophylline. Many also add seaweed extract as well, but this is not the most effective ingredient in the product.

In addition to the cellulite creams, lotions and gels, there is a procedure called endermology that has many women reporting extraordinary results. It is actually a large mechanical pressure device that uses a technique similar to the process of a rolling pin rolling out dough to make cookies. This action kneads the problem areas with substantial pressure to break down the aforementioned collagen bands, and smooth the sponginess and puckering out for an even and toned appearance. Drawbacks are it is expensive and does require return visits for maintenance, it can be an uncomfortable and even slightly painful process, and it may result in some temporary bruising.

Another option is oral herbal or medicinal remedies for cellulite. Beware though. There have not been significant studies or proof verifying whether these products actually produce results. I cannot recommend investing in or experimenting with these newer products until substantial findings or proof are published regarding their effectiveness.

So, what else causes cellulite? This question is still the subject of scientific debate. We definitely know that it mostly affects women, so there is much speculation that the underlying cause is hormonal in nature. Many other studies suggest it is related to age, diet, genetics, and fitness/level of activity. It has been noted that strength and toning exercises, as well as steady weight maintenance will help with the appearance of cellulite. Frequent weight fluctuation, high fat diets, and even excessive carbonated beverages have been some of the suspected culprits as well.

Whatever the cause, if you want to minimize these unsightly dimples, there are options out there for you that are effective and affordable. New breakthroughs are being made every day in the field of cosmetic enhancement products, so we may soon see another product that blows them all away. It may be tomorrow, for all we know!

Article Source: http://101healthonline.com

Beauty Resources
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Whats The Real Cause Of Acne?

Whats The Real Cause Of Acne?
by: Keith Londrie

Most acne medications only mask the symptoms of acne and does nothing to stop the real cause of acne. This is why people buy acne products month after month (year after year). And every time they stop using the product acne would come back again and again.

What you need to do is find out what the real cause of acne is and stop it.

So what's the real cause of acne?

Acne occurs when your body contains more toxics than your kidneys and bowels can remove. (Your kidneys and bowels are the two primary channels of elimination that your body expel toxics and waste products through.)

These toxics can be the accumulation of fat stored chemicals the liver can not wash out or there may be a problem with fat digestion, fat accumulation, food allergy, or even the accumulation of hormones that your body produces.

Once these toxics build up, your kidneys and bowels can get overloaded and clogged up, causing it to not function properly. When that happens some of the load will be dumped onto your liver. One of your liver's main roles is to metabolize pile up fat into usable energy for your body.

This means, your liver will be doing some of your kidney's work. So now, your liver gets overloaded and it too will not work at full capacity.

What happens when your bowels, kidneys, and liver gets overloaded?

When that happen your body will expel toxins through your lungs and skin (your secondary channels of elimination). And this is when acne occurs. This is when your skin starts to breakout.

But whatever the toxic source is that's causing this problem, acne is a sign that your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with toxins, waste products, or hormones.

It is a sign that your liver is growing weaker in its detoxification abilities (and it will continue to grow weaker if you do not do what it takes to get rid of the toxics in your body).

So if you think that acne is your only problem, think again, your liver, kidneys, and bowels are getting weaker every time you breakout.

About The Author

Keith Londrie II is experienced with all kinds of acne. He has put up an informative web site athttp://acneinformation.info/

Please feel free to drop by the web site to learn more about acne, it's cures, etc.

Keith E. Londrie II
klondrie @ yahoo.com

Stretch Marks in Pregnancy (Striae Gravidarum)

Stretch Marks in Pregnancy (Striae Gravidarum)
by: Martha Fitzharris

Striae gravidarum or Stretch marks are purplish red streaky scars, which appear when the skin is overstretched. They appear during pregnancy over the abdomen where the skin is supple, usually in the third trimester or the later months when the skin is highly stretched to accommodate the growing fetus. They may also appear over the breast, more so during the period of breast-feeding when the breasts swell up and increase much in size. Apart from these areas, striae are also seen on the hips, buttock and inner and outer thigh.

About 70-90% of pregnant women develop stretch marks over the abdomen. Up to 90% of women develop stretch marks over some part of their body due to the excess weight gain of pregnancy. Most light skinned women have pinkish colored striae and the dark skinned have striae that are lighter than the surrounding area. Most women start to worry about striae or stretch marks after they have their baby.

A little attention to the rate of weight gain and skin stretch during the pregnancy period can definitely go a long way in reducing them. The more weight gained during pregnancy, the more likely are you to develop them. In some women, changes in weight are drastic and happen very rapidly causing a sudden stretch of the skin and the dermal protein tissues tears. This initially appears pinkish and later fades to a white silvery scar, which remains as a stretch mark. Women who have big babies or women with a twin or multiple pregnancy have more chances of having striae as their skin is stretched more due to the bulk of space needed to accommodate more than one fetus.

The likelihood of having striae increases if you had them during the pubertal period or in a previous pregnancy, if you gain weight more than what is recommended, or if your body is in a general malnourishment status. Women who have a lot of striae should report this to their doctor as they might be prone to having more vaginal lacerations and tears during a normal vaginal delivery. This is due to dermal matrix with a weak protein framework as is suggested by the large number of striae or deeper indented striae on the abdomen.

Skin over the abdomen is supple and has an underneath fat deposition. Sudden loss of weight after the baby is born makes the skin loose and striae appear prominent at that time, which is when most women start worrying about them. Normally after pregnancy, these stretch marks fade away slowly as the body comes back to normalcy and is repairing all the tissues. Usually after12 months post partum these marks do fade away and are much lighter than before.

Steps to take for Prevention

• To avoid stretch marks over the breasts, try wearing a supportive maternity bra specially made to give extra support for the heavier breasts during pregnancy and in the lactation period.

• Topical creams containing retinol or retinoic acid/ Retin-A should be avoided during pregnancy and after pregnancy as their safety during the lactation period is not well studied.

• Eat a good nutritious diet and avoid fattening foods, stretch marks can also result from nutritional deficiency. Eat food rich in proteins, as this would strengthen the protein framework of elastin and collagen in the skin.

Be sure to consume food that promote skin health:

-Zinc-rich foods such as nuts or fish

-Foods high in vitamins A, C, D, such as carrots, citrus fruits and milk.

-Protein-rich foods (such as eggs).

• You can always prevent stretch marks with exercise and water; make sure you are maintaining healthy skin! Mama always told you to drink plenty of water. Maybe she knew this: it helps prevent stretch marks, too! Proper water intake keeps your skin soft and less likely to develop stretch marks. Caffeine can increase your risk of stretch marks. If you're stuck on your caffeinated coffee or tea, make sure you balance the fluids. Drink just as much - or more - water as you drink coffee, tea or soda.

Many women use moisturizers and lotions, during their pregnancy to prevent stretch marks and worry about them constantly. Most creams in the market only provide temporary moisture that lasts for a few hours, and thus not enough to prevent stretch marks.

Search the market for the best topical creams, those containing biological activators of skin renewal, for they also get rid of damaged proteins within your skin and promote the production of glycosaminoglycans, the true moisture holding molecules within your skin.

Glycosaminoglycans play a critical role as shock absorbents, to provide binding, hydrating and swelling pressure to tissues, enabling them to withstand compressional forces and thus prevent tearing and scarring of the deep layers of the skin during pregnancy outgrowth, growth spurts during adolescence, overstretching by body building (in association with steroids) or over stretching by more than average weight gain. They also play a vital role in cell proliferation, migration and adhesion.

Enjoy your pregnancy rather than worrying about it. Instead, concentrate on gaining the recommended amount of weight, between 25 - 34 pounds, in a graded manner. Remember that pregnancy is a wonderful and joyful period in a woman’s life, meant for enjoyment.

Treatment Options for Stretch Marks

There are several treatment options for stretch marks. If you are serious about getting ride of those unwanted stretch marks, it's best to be in the care of a surgeon or dermatologist who can recommend your best options. Some medications can cause stretch marks like hormones and steroids, so it’s always best to be honest with your doctor so he can take a detailed medical history, including the medications you are actually taking so he can provide you the best treatment for these ugly marks.

However, there are two main methods for getting ride of stretch marks; surgical Methods and natural methods which involve lotions and creams.


Dermabrasion or chemical peel can be used to address unwanted stretch marks. Micro-dermabrasion can also help. It is a skin-freshening technique that helps repair skin conditions. The micro-dermabrasion technique abrades the skin with a high-pressure flow of crystals, which stimulates the formation of new collagen and elastin. This causes the attenuated epidermis to heal more effectively, making stretch marks heal and become much less noticeable.

There are new advances in laser surgeries, they are much expensive but also very effective if used during the early stages. Dermatologists use a pulsed dye laser to fade red marks.

The latest laser method used by the specialist can fade away mature light-colored marks. This type of therapy requires multiple treatments. Also, some pain may be involved, although it's minimal. A few patients with darker skin tones have been reported to have some post-procedure pigmentary alteration, which is usually temporary.

The degree of success with any of these treatment will be impacted by your age, your skin tone and even your diet. It's important to note that insurance coverage probably will not cover stretch mark removal because it is a cosmetic procedure (even if the stretch marks are particularly severe).

Lotions and Creams

There are plenty over-the-counter treatments for stretch marks. In early stages, when stretch marks are still pinkish, apply several moisturizing creams and oils to make them less intense while they are maturing. Massage the area daily with body oil. Olive oil is said to be the best. Vaseline also works, any cream rich in vitamin E, different types of butter, cocoa butter, coconut butter and shea butter being the best.

If you are a woman who is pregnant and you are concerned with stretch marks, let your physician know before you want to begin preventative treatment before your stomach starts growing. Often, your physician can recommend creams.

These stretch marks treatments may, or may not be effective, according to your skin’s complexion and the extent of the damage. If you are planning to take drastic measures consult a dermatologist and be informed of the cost, effectiveness of the preferred method and side effects, if any. Some of the products designed to remove stretch marks contain very potent ingredients. These ingredients are not superfluous, but are necessary to cause dramatic results. The only problem with these ingredients is that they can cause negative reactions in some people. If you are sensitive to chemicals, you may want to opt for a natural stretch mark removal product.

Fortunately, there’s a new product that uses only natural ingredients to prevent and restore damaged skin and it can be used like a daily skin regenerating activator. Bio Skin Care is made with a natural substance gathered from a little creature that nature has endowed with the ability to repair his skin quickly when damaged.

Bio Skin Care utilizes biological activators of your own body's skin growth factors to prevent and eliminate stretch marks (stria atrophica, striae distensae). It dissolves damaged collagen skin cells, triggers the renewal of collagen and elastin and the production of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and proteoglycans from within the deep layers of the skin.

And the best of all is that it doesn’t have side effects, it is safe for children and pregnant women, can be used under the eyes and continued as a daily skin care routine indefinitely. Also yields a soft skin after shaving. Helps to heal razor burns and prevent ingrown hairs.

With the use of BIO SKIN CARE™ Cream damaged cells and toxins are dissolved, hair follicles are cleaned of debris, germs are destroyed, new collagen, elasting and water holding cells are formed. The Final Result: YOUR SKIN CLEAR OF STRETCH MARKS.

About The Author

Martha Fitzharris is a free lance journalist for http://www.naturalbioskincare.com a website offering a new biological natural skin care product that activates skin renewal for Strech marks.

Recovery Mask Is the New Cool Thing In Facial Plastic Surgery

Recovery Mask is the New 'Cool Thing' in Facial Plastic Surgery

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Breakthrough in post-operative healing is providing substantial benefits for facial cosmetic surgery patients.

(PRWEB) January 31, 2006 -- A breakthrough in post-operative healing is providing substantial benefits for patients looking for a drug-free and low cost way to shorten their recovery periods after plastic surgery. This safe, natural alternative for alleviating pain and discomfort after cosmetic surgery procedures has now become more affordable and more convenient than ever before.

Distinguished Sacramento plastic surgeon, Dr. David Kaufman is proud to offer the AqueCool™ Therapy System -- a new advance in patient care and healing technology. Dr. Kaufman is one of the few physicians in the country offering this revolutionary facial surgical recovery device and has witnessed firsthand the benefits to his patients.

The AqueCool™ by Aqueduct Medical, Inc. is an ergonomic, custom-formable cool therapy system that provides comfortable, uniform cooling across the complex surfaces of a post-operative patient’s face. The custom-fit, semi-rigid structure of the mask ensures complete coverage on all critical areas and applies gentle, uniform compression on the face, helping to alleviate swelling and potentially reducing bruising and the formation of hematomas.

The AqueCool™ was developed with input from some of the most recognized plastic surgeons in the country, including Dr. Kaufman, and is designed to provide the highest standard of care and recovery for plastic surgery patients.

In essence, the technologically advanced product naturally relieves the pain and discomfort of surgery, reduces swelling and bruising, and shortens long term recovery time by allowing the body to begin healing sooner. The unique therapy is already providing significantly improved recoveries for Dr. Kaufman’s facial cosmetic surgery patients.

“Virtually all cosmetic surgery patients seek optimal results with minimal downtime. I do everything in my power to make the experience as easy as possible, pre-operatively, during surgery, and throughout recovery,” he reports. “The AqueCool™ cooling mask reduces bruising, minimizes swelling, and decreases pain -- all key elements in the recovery process -- and my patients swear by it!”

Dr. David Kaufman is a leader in both reconstructive and cosmetic surgery procedures and has enjoyed a distinguished career in both arenas. He attended Harvard Medical School after proudly serving as an officer in the elite Navy SEAL program, which included duty in Operation Desert Storm. Dr. Kaufman completed a combined general and plastic surgery residency at Stanford Medical Center, where he was Chief Resident.

A consummate humanitarian as well as an accomplished surgeon, Dr. Kaufman has participated in over 20 surgical overseas missions that provide plastic and reconstructive surgery to needy children and adults in the developing world. He is proud to be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

For more information see http://california.resource4cosmeticsurgery.com/sacramento.html

Conner Erwin
Wise Medical Group

Quanta Technologies Introduces Medical Laser Information Portal

Quanta Technologies Introduces Medical Laser Information Portal

Quanta Technologies introduces QuantaWeb.com, a new content-rich news-oriented website, an information portal for the growing medical laser and aesthetic laser technology community.

(PRWEB) February 1, 2006 -- Quanta Technologies unveiled it's new website today, QuantaWeb.com, a laser technology portal for the aesthetic and medical laser community in the United States. The new website is designed to be a gathering place for medical and aesthetic practitioners, suppliers, manufacturers, technical insiders, educators, and researchers.

"This year, more than a dozen contributors will be writing articles for the site," offered Chris Jones, President of Quanta Technologies LLC based in Tucson Arizona. "Each month, we will be adding new features, allowing our customers and suppliers to actively participate in the growth and design of the portal. This month, we unveiled the site as a news portal, incorporating articles, a technical knowledge base, and RSS feeds into timely informational sites around the world. Next month, we will be adding a discussion forum and a technical product library."

Over the coming months, Quanta will be unveiling new sections of the site, each dedicated to serving one of several diverse medical laser communities. In the first quarter of 2006, the focus will be on the "aesthetic laser" community, which is the fastest growing segment of the medical laser market. The new breed of aesthetic lasers are safer, easier to use, and more patient-friendly than ever before. Lasers introduced in the past year are faster, less painful, and minimize operator error; as a result, they are being found in a wider variety of facilities. General practitioners are offering lasers services formerly found only at state-of-the-art plastic surgeons and dermatologists offices. Private Practice Facilities along with a myriad of Medi-Spas and Clinics throughout the country are offering a multitude of laser procedures including:
- hair reduction
- vascular, pigmented lesion, and tattoo removal
- acne treatments
- non-ablative skin rejuvenation
- ablative skin resurfacing

As with every major movement within the United States, the baby boomers will again reshape a market segment creating opportunity for development. The medical community is not immune to the "boomer" influence and aesthetic laser technology will become a major part of every medical profession focused on growth and patients who want to look their best.

During the coming year, Quanta will be expanding the portal adding new sections for the Surgical, Ophthalmic, and Dental laser communities. Quanta is the largest independent surgical laser technology distributor in the Southwestern US, and is a leading supplier of new and used medical laser equipment, accessories, supplies, and education. Quanta stocks a variety of new lasers for aesthetic, surgical, and ophthalmic applications manufactured by Fotona, Laser Engineering, Convergent, and Laserex but supports and services a larger variety of medical lasers with more than a dozen field service representatives throughout the United States.

"Where are we headed?" posed Chris Jones. "In the age of the internet, everything I shop for, every question I have, I Google for answers. Today, QuantaWeb.com is an educational resource for the vast community of laser practitioners. The knowledge base will continue to grow to better serve the medical community and we will refine our relationship with practitioners to better serve the knowledge-needs of patients. The path we are on is exciting as it offers us the opportunity to better serve our neighbors locally and across the country."

The QuantaWeb.com website employs a new content management technology which offers dynamic information tailored to the specific interests of the user. Most of the content on the site today is freely available to the public, but members of the press can request a user id with high-level access to more technical and product-specific laser content by sending an email to press AT QuantaWeb DOT com.

About Quanta Technologies
Quanta Technologies LLC was founded in 1994 as a distributor of medical laser technologies, accessories and a provider of laser service. Quickly becoming the largest supplier of lasers to hospitals and surgery centers in the region. The company branched out in the late nineties providing a variety of medical laser equipment throughout the Southwestern US expanding laser service, laser accessory products and non-laser ancillary supplies throughout the United States. Today, Quanta is developing and distributing Private Labeled products such as laser fibers, smoke evacuation systems and accessories, as well as replacement specialty lamps, and medical batteries to hospitals, surgery centers, and physician offices throughout the country. Quanta Technologies is a privately held Arizona corporation headquartered in Tucson. For more information, visit http://www.quantaweb.com.

Sea Coral Used For Plastic Surgery Implants

Sea Coral Used for Plastic Surgery Implants

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Surrounding tissue can grow into the scaffolding provided by the coral, making it a living part of the facial skeleton for cosmetic surgery patients.

(PRWEB) February 2, 2006 -- Although medical science has produced a remarkable number of breakthroughs in cosmetic surgery, it has yet to improve on nature’s own design. Renowned Philadelphia plastic surgeon Dr. Harvey M. Rosen, M.D., D.M.D., agrees and has pioneered the use of a naturally occurring material called block hydroxyapatite to enhance a number of cosmetic and reconstructive applications.

This versatile material is derived from coral deposits from exotic locales in the South Pacific, and it is highly valued for being one of the few materials in the world that can attain adequate compressive strength and for its ability to be contoured enough to conform to different shapes and sizes.

Furthermore, it is naturally porous, which means the surrounding tissue can grow into the scaffolding provided by the coral, making it a living part of the facial skeleton. In older implant surgeries using plastic materials there is always a small risk of infection cause by scar tissue deposits around the implant. Because the body embraces the new coral material as part of itself, it virtually eliminates the potential for infection or rejection.

During the simple procedure Dr. Rosen inserts the implants through discrete incisions inside the mouth, which reduces the appearance of visible scars and promotes rapid healing. There may be occasional swelling and tenderness in the implant area, but patients usually return to normal activities within a week.

“This procedure enables the surgeon to change facial shape in any direction. By doing so, one enhances facial balance and proportion,” reports Dr. Rosen. “ For instance, as we age, all of our faces shorten. By adding about 4 – 5 mm to the height of the lower face, a patient can look 10 – 20 years younger.”

Dr. Harvey Rosen has performed over 500 procedures with block hydroxyapatite material, and has appeared on CNN as well as local news throughout the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area. A nationally recognized leader in advanced facial plastic surgery, he serves as Chief of Plastic Surgery at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia and Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Rosen is currently a member of several professional organizations including the American Association of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, and the Plastic Surgery Research Foundation. He also is repeatedly cited in the Best Doctors of America, a referral resource for fellow physicians.

For more information see http://pennsylvania.resource4cosmeticsurgery.com/philadelphia.html

Conner Erwin
Wise Medical Group

Unqualified People Performing Plastic Surgery

Once Again, Increased Concerns About Unqualified People Performing Plastic Surgery

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Over the last few years, there has been explosive growth in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, often performed in retail or spa-like settings. Unlike physician offices where clinicians oversee the treatment and maintain medical records, spa-type centers may have limited or no full-time medical staff and may lack the experience or training to handle more than routine beauty services.

(PRWEB) February 3, 2006 -- Over the last few years, there has been explosive growth in non-surgical cosmetic procedures, often performed in retail or spa-like settings. Unlike physician offices where clinicians oversee the treatment and maintain medical records, spa-type centers may have limited or no full-time medical staff and may lack the experience or training to handle more than routine beauty services. Patients need assurances that a qualified and trained practitioner will perform their procedure appropriately, under sanitary conditions, and with product where the quality and source is known and FDA approved.

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) have joined forces to raise awareness about the dangers of unlicensed personnel performing medical cosmetic procedures in non-clinical settings. Recent cases of patients receiving BOTOX® and tissue fillers at shopping malls, beauty salons or in their homes by individuals without sufficient training or licensure caused concerns among clinical and public health experts. Cosmetic procedures, including tissue filler injections, laser therapies, chemical peels and skin resurfacing, should only be done under the care of properly credentialed and trained medical professionals using only products approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“There are some misconceptions among patients about the true nature of non-surgical cosmetic procedures. Non-surgical does not mean non-medical,” says Dr. Sam Speron, plastic surgery expert and consumer advocate. “Patients deserve to know who is treating them, what their qualifications are, who the supervising physician is, and where the product is coming from. These are questions all patients should ask. The concern here is that physician supervision in non-surgical cosmetic procedures may be inadequate or non-existent and that the individuals performing the treatments lack adequate training to safely perform the procedures. Our purpose in convening a patient safety group on this issue is to ensure that patients have the information they need to make the right decision. While spas and salons are convenient for cosmetic medical treatments, this should not be at the expense of safety and expertise.”

Dr. Sam Speron is a Chicago Plastic Surgeon and is widely recognized as a leading expert on plastic surgery. Dr. Speron’s educational efforts have received critical acclaim from the media from around the country including radio (“The Paul Harvey show” on WGN radio), local TV (multiple CBS Channel 2 10PM special reports, multiple appearances on “This week with Dr. Breen”), national television (Discovery Health Channel), local radio (“The Joe Gentile Show” on WJJG on AM-1530, KFIZ Milwaukee with Joe Scheibinger), newspapers (Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Crain’s Chicago Business, Daily Herald), US magazines (People, The Complete Woman, Chicago Magazine, Living Life, Satisfaction, Medical Economics, The Lutheran), international magazines (Company, Europe) and online news (plasticsurgery.com, LocateaDoc.com, HealthNewsDigest.com, cosmeticsurgery.com, ChicagoHealthandFitness.com, ToursandTales.com).

Please visit us at www.prplastic.com, call us at 847.696.9900 for a plastic surgery question or consultation.


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Take Control of Your Health

Take Control of Your Health
by: Dianne Ronnow

In large part, you’re in control of your health, not your doctor. And taking control of your health doesn’t really depend on whether or not you have medical conditions.

Taking control means developing habits and discipline.

The most important thing you can do is educate yourself. Learn about your health problems and how you can take care of your body. What do the latest studies say? The Internet is an excellent place to research health issues. Sometimes just finding different ways of doing things can help.

Now, take the time to decide what your health goals for the next year will be. Write the goal(s) down. Some examples of goals might be:

- to stop yo-yo dieting and focus on get healthier.

- to start exercising regularly.

- to move toward my perfect weight.

- to find alternative ways to control diabetes.

Then list specific ways you can accomplish these goals. For instance, try a new healthy dinner recipe once a week, go to the gym five days a week, or research nutrition on the Internet 10 minutes a day.

Work on your mind and thought patterns. You have to believe that you can become healthy and reach your ideal weight before you will be able to do so. Learning to accept what you can’t change, but striving to change what you can, is key. A large part of succeeding in health improvement is being comfortable with yourself to begin with.

Find time to do something good to reward yourself for making this commitment to improve your health. Reward yourself each week as you find yourself accomplishing your goals.

If you have another person to work with, you will be more successful in meeting your health goals. This partner should be someone you can trust to share your feelings with.

It helps to have a partner for accountability. We work harder when we know someone is watching us and holding us accountable. A good partner also helps us stay realistic in our goals and challenges us to grow.

Try to find someone who will encourage you in the down times and celebrate your successes with you as you accomplish your goals. And of course you need to be that kind of a partner to your friend in return.

You might consider forming an informal support group with some of your friends or acquaintances. People who belong to a group with mutual interests and a shared purpose accomplish more. A group might get together weekly or monthly and discuss progress or concerns and help encourage each other. Sometimes all a person might need is another opinion or just a little encouragement to help them get past a place where they are having problems. Even if you are doing great, perhaps you could be of help to someone else who is struggling.

Communication is important when putting together a group. Set up a regular time and method to report progress to each other and stick to it. Set realistic benchmarks to monitor your progress. Reward yourselves for your effort. Do something fun as a group once in a while.

There can be great rewards in working with others toward common goals. It makes the journey more enjoyable as well as more productive.

By Dianne Ronnow. © 2005-6 Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved. From "The Enzyme Health Diet Plan" found at http://Enzyme-Health.com.

About The Author

Dianne Ronnow’s best selling book, “Coconut Oil Diet Secrets” reveals how thousands of people are losing weight and getting healthier with coconut oil diets. To find out what the secrets of coconut oil dieting are, Check out her site at http://Coconut-Oil-Diet.com and start losing weight today!


LASIK Surgery - How The Excimer Laser Works

LASIK Surgery - How The Excimer Laser Works
by: Nicola Kennedy

The Excimer laser is a form of ultraviolet chemical laser, and is the key element that has made laser eye surgery possible. Though Excimer laser was originally used in semiconductor manufacturing in the 1970s, its use in eye surgery is now fairly widespread. While working at the IBM research laboratories in 1982, Dr. Rangaswamy Srinivasin and his research team discovered the potential of the Excimer laser in interacting with biological tissue. An ophthalmologist, Dr. Steven Trokel, explained its connection with the corneal tissue. And this was how LASIK eye surgery came into existence.

There are several types of lasers, but excimer is the preferred choice when it comes to corrective eye surgery. This is due to the fact that excimer is the most technologically advanced laser type. The excimer laser is, literally, a cool laser. That is, it precisely removes the desired part of the corneal tissue, without heating up or damaging the adjacent tissue. Quite amazingly, the excimer laser is so precise that it is capable of removing 0.5% of a human hair’s width at a time. That fact itself is enough for patients to believe that excimer-assisted eye surgery is not a gimmick, but a true technology leveraged procedure.

With the computer technology at its disposal and the precision offered by the laser, LASIK surgery has emerged as the number one choice for patients with refractive error. Since the excimer laser emits cool, minute beams that make precise incisions on the surface of the cornea, a dedicated technician operates the machine while the ophthalmologist performs the surgery.

Your eyes are your window to the world and your sight is the most important of the five senses. Hence, it is all the more imperative that, if need be, you go for an eye surgery that is reliable and has minimal side effects. With the high-precision technology of the excimer laser and the overall reliability of the procedure, LASIK is the most prevalent of corrective eye surgeries.

About The Author

Nicola Kennedy publishes articles and reports and provides news, information and views about Lasik Eye Surgery and the background and history of laser eye surgery at Your Lasik Information. http://www.Your-LASIK.info.

Copyright Your-LASIK.info. All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

How Does LASIK Eye Surgery Work? Keratomileusis - The Carving Of The Cornea

How Does LASIK Eye Surgery Work? Keratomileusis - The Carving Of The Cornea
by: Nicola Kennedy

At present, LASIK or “Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis” is the only commonly performed keratomileusis procedure. Keratomileusis involves an altering of the shape of the corneal tissue with the aid of an excimer laser, which is a powerful ultraviolet laser. This laser eye surgery is performed by ophthalmologists in order to correct different types of vision impairment. LASIK is the preferred treatment for patients with refractive error, since the procedure entails rapid recovery and minimal pain overall.

LASIK surgery leverages technology to its fullest. For instance, a computer system tracks the patient’s eye position 4,000 times per second, while the lasers make the desired incisions. It might sound like a dangerous procedure, but it’s time to debunk this myth. LASIK surgery is a completely safe procedure performed with high precision. That is, the laser carves the corneal tissue in a finely controlled manner. LASIK surgery is not that cumbersome when compared with other types of eye surgery, and has a relatively low frequency of complications.

Though LASIK surgery is performed with the patient awake and functional, the eye surgeon typically administers a mild sedative and anesthetic eye drops. No matter what the type of vision impairment, altering the shape of the cornea is a viable solution. In general, the procedure has very few side effects and offers instant results. However, a few complications may arise depending on the extent of the patient’s refractive error and other irregularities in the corneal tissue.

LASIK eye surgery, with excellent technology at its disposal, is improving at a rapid rate. However, there is no conclusive evidence as to the chances of long-term complications owing to the surgery. Although relatively uncommon, a few complications may arise, namely corneal infection, slipped flap, haziness, halo or glare. An important point to note is that this laser-assisted procedure is irreversible.

LASIK has gained popularity due its efficacy and improved precision. The procedure also boasts of the smallest complication statistics relative to other eye surgeries. With only a 5% complication rate, LASIK sounds like a safe enough procedure to rectify your vision impairment.

About The Author

Nicola Kennedy publishes articles and reports and provides news, information and views about laser eye surgery at Your Lasik Information. http://www.Your-LASIK.info.

Copyright Your-LASIK.info. All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Clear Natural Vision Is Just One Of The Possible Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery

Clear Natural Vision Is Just One Of The Possible Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery
by: Nicola Kennedy

There are several LASIK benefits, which can be easily realized by going in for an experienced eye surgeon. It is necessary that you weigh the pros and cons before going in for an eye surgery. And much to your relief, as far as LASIK is concerned, the benefits far outweigh whatever minimal risk is involved. LASIK is by far the most preferred procedure when it comes to eye corrective surgery. LASIK benefits typically include:

- Clear natural vision
- Need for glasses or contact lenses is eliminated
- It simply widens the horizon for recreational opportunities
- Quality of vision is better than that with glasses or contact lenses
- Greater self-confidence
- More career opportunities
- Enhanced natural appearance – in many cases
- No risk of infection or inflammation generally associated with contact lens overuse

The above are only a few major positives that come out of the LASIK procedure. LASIK has superlative scientific technology at its disposal. High-precision lasers, computer-controlled tracking devices, all enable the surgeon to perform the operation with ease and finesse. Furthermore, complication rates of a meager 1% to 5% strengthen the belief that LASIK is a completely safe procedure.

LASIK does not require the removal of the corneal surface tissue, and this substantially reduces the post-operative pain. In general, the visual acuity is restored within a day or two. Other procedures like PRK may require a week or so for sharpness of vision to be restored. LASIK surgery also possesses a greater stability. That is, the corrected vision lasts permanently, provided a complication does not arise during the procedure. Moreover, most patients are able to pass the driver’s license test without the aid of glasses or contact lenses.

If you are in quest for a corrective eye surgery, LASIK is sure to satisfy your needs. All you need to do is look for an eye surgeon who is highly skillful and qualified.

About The Author

Nicola Kennedy publishes articles and reports and provides news, information and views about laser eye surgery at Your Lasik Information. http://www.Your-LASIK.info.

Copyright Your-LASIK.info. All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

FDA Approves Lasik Eye Surgery

FDA Approves Lasik Eye Surgery
by: Ron King

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new custom lasik procedure in September of 2005. This new procedure can now treat many patients who were previously ineligible for the surgery.


Nearsightedness occurs when the eye is too long and light rays focus in front of the retina, instead of focusing on the retina. Some of the symptoms of nearsightedness are blurred distant vision, eyestrain, and squinting, along with having a difficult time seeing at night.

Although nearsightedness can be easily fixed with glasses or contact lenses (when not too severe), many people don't like to hassle with either one. With this new lasik procedure, folks will now be able to have pure vision.


Astigmatism is the effect of the eye being shaped like a football, instead of round like a baseball. This deformity -- where the light rays focus on two points on the retina instead of one -- results in blurred vision, double vision, and shadows on letters when reading. Until recently, this deformity has prevented some people from even getting contact lenses. Breakthroughs in contact lenses have only helped those with slight astigmatism.

However, with this new lasik procedure, patients can now have their eyes repaired to normal, or at least be repaired enough to comfortably wear contact lenses. Either way, their vision is enhanced and many are happy just to get rid of the glasses and finally be able to wear contacts, or possibly nothing at all.


Farsightedness happens when light rays focus behind the retina instead of on the retina, resulting in blurred near vision. Some patients with severe farsightedness have to step back from what they are reading and others require magnifying glasses to see something that is right in front of them. People with farsightedness can see you 30 feet away, but when you get right up close they can't see you! This can be embarrassing and cause the afflicted person much insecurity along with the feeling that they are going blind.

Farsightedness is easily remedied by wearing glasses to read and see things up close, but it's very inconvenient to constantly be taking your glasses on and off. Not only is it inconvenient, you take the chance of leaving your glasses behind. Some patients keep their glasses on a chain so they won't lose them, but this makes them feel old. Now, lasik surgery is another option for these patients.

New Laser Technology

The FDA recently approved the new Visx STAR Excimer laser system. This fantastic breakthrough in technology allows doctors to do more than they ever could before, giving them the ability to reshape the eye to correct astigmatism, farsightedness and nearsightedness. Before this marvelous breakthrough these patients were not good candidates for lasik eye surgery. They now can join the rest of the vision impaired and have the option for lasik.

Recent FDA studies show that over 98% of all patients receiving these new procedures were seeing 20/40 or better 6 months after surgery. Over 84% were seeing much better than 20/20 after 6 months. Now that's reason to celebrate!

New breakthroughs in lasik eye surgery technology are happening all the time. Now people don't have to be inconvenienced by the hassle of glasses or contacts. All they want to do is to be able to get up in the morning and see normally. These breakthroughs in lasik technology are giving them an improved quality of life that once was unattainable.

About The Author

Ron King

Visit http://www.lasik-4u.com to learn more. Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer with a http://www.ronxking.com .

Copyright 2006 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.

Understanding Tumescent Liposuction

Understanding Tumescent Liposuction
by: Tammy Corbett

Tumescent liposuction was developed by dermatologic surgeons in the mid 1980's and has become a more popular method of liposuction. It is considered to be a major advancement that has completely changed surgical fat removal. This has been regarded as the "best" type of liposuction surgery to date.

Tumescent liposuction is done using a local anesthetic. A large volume of saline solution containing the aesthetic and a drug called "Epinephrine" is injected directly into the areas where there are excessive fatty deposits. Epinephrine is important in the surgical process because it shrinks capillaries and minimizes blood loss. Minor sedation may be required for those who feel a little nervous about the surgery; however the patient is usually completely conscious during the surgery.

Benefits of Having Tumescent Liposuction

  • Fewer skin irregularities
  • Less bleeding
  • Reduced bruising
  • Faster recovery


A small incision is made in the skin, allowing the tube connected to a vacuum type machine to suck up the fat. The tumescent method uses smaller cannulae than that of any other type of liposuction which results in less bruising or bleeding. An elastic compression garment is worn to help the skin contract and heal. This helps to sculpt the bulging areas of the skin and help to achieve more attractive contours.

There are risks associated with having any type of surgery. Tumescent liposuction is a very safe procedure with very few side effects. If the following types of side effects occur they are usually easily corrected.

  • Skin irregularity
  • Lumpiness
  • Dimpling
  • Loose skin
  • Infections

Tumescent Liposuction Recovery

Recovery time varies dramatically from person to person. Many patients are able to walk out of the office without assistance and get back to a regular routine within a few days.

It takes almost six weeks for any scar to begin to soften and a full year to be complete.

A patient may feel a little numbness in the area that has been treated because the local anaesthesia remains in the tissue for twenty-four hours or more after surgery.

Most patients will usually only experience minor discomfort after the numbness wears off.

Most patients are generally alert and able to function; they do not experience nausea and grogginess associated with general anaesthesia. The sooner a patient can begin to move around, the faster the healing progresses.

Physical exercise is not recommended until at least a week after having the procedure.

About The Author

Tammy Corbett is an abdominoplasty weight loss consultant and author of several articles on the importance of weight loss programs . She is currently writing more articles for her website http://www.abdominoplasty-info.com/. See original article at http://www.abdominoplasty-info.com/tumescent.html.


Things you ought to know before liposuction

Things You Ought To Know First Before Undergoing Liposuction Surgery
by: Charlene J. Nuble

According to the medical dictionary of Medline Plus, liposuction is the removal of excess body fat by suction with specialized surgical equipments, typically performed by a plastic surgeon.

With the removal of excess body fat, the body appearance improves and evens out distorted body parts. Breasts, buttocks, abdomen, and the face area are some of the most popular body parts that undergo liposuction.

Foremost reason why people resort to liposuction is for cosmetic reasons. They want to eradicate "love handles", unsightly fat bulges, an abnormal chin line, etc.

Liposuction also helps improve sexual function by reducing fat deposits on the inner thighs, thus allowing easier access to the vagina.

Another reason for undergoing liposuction is body shaping that cannot be achieved by diet and/or exercise.

A note of caution, liposuction is not a cure for generalized obesity.

Liposuction is not as easy as just going to the doctor and telling him or her, "I want a liposuction right now." People who want to have liposuction must meet certain criteria:

  1. There should be a preliminary consultation. This includes history of the patient, a comprehensive physical examination, and a psychological health examination;
  2. There should be a second consultation to give time for the patient to think over the planned liposuction surgery;
  3. If the patient is married, the spouse's presence may be required during the consultation;
  4. The patient should ask questions about liposuction, express the reasons for the consultation, and must feel satisfied with the answers to their questions;
  5. The patient must fully understand the pre-operative liposuction preparations, the liposuction procedures, and the precise post-operative liposuction care to avoid lethal complications;
  6. The patient must have realistic expectations. Liposuction enhances the body appearance and boost self-confidence but it will never result to a perfect body.

Because liposuction is a medical procedure, there are risks involved. Some of the complications that may happen upon having liposuction are:

  • Fluid imbalance due to the removal of a lot of liquid during liposuction and/or injection of large amounts of liquid during liposuction which can result to shock, heart problems, or kidney problems.
  • Infections happen after any surgery and some physicians prescribe an antibiotic to patients having liposuction so it is important to keep the wound clean. Infections may be life threatening such as necrotizing fasciitis (bacteria eating away the tissue) or the toxic shock syndrome caused by bacteria associated with surgery.
  • Embolism occurs when tiny globules of fat trapped in the blood stream blocks the blood flow to the tissue. This may cause permanent disability. Signs of pulmonary embolism are shortness of breath or difficulty of breathing.
  • Drug reactions or overdose from lidocaine is fatal. Lidocaine is a drug that numbs the skin and large doses of this is used during liposuction. The effects of lidocaine are lightheadedness, restlessness, drowsiness, slurred speech, muscle twitching, and convulsions. Overdose of this drug may cause the heart to stop which is naturally fatal.
  • Burns caused by the ultrasound probe during ultrasound assisted liposuction.
  • Visceral perforations or puncture wounds in the organs may require another surgery and can be fatal. During liposuction, the physician does not see where the probe (canula) is, so it is possible to harm internal organs.
  • Skin death (skin necrosis) occurs when skin changes color and fall off. This may also cause infection.
  • Paresthesias is an altered sensation at the site of liposuction. This may be in the form of increased sensitivity in the area or loss of feeling. Some cases of this are permanent.
  • Swelling
  • Death

Given that the surgery had no major complications, recovery from liposuction can still be difficult.

The liposuctioned area appears larger than before because of swelling.

Special compression garments must be worn for two to three weeks to reduce swelling, bleeding, and to help contour the new body. The patient starts to feel better after a week or two after liposuction.

Walking is recommended after liposuction to prevent blood clots forming in the legs. Finally, exercise and diet will help keep your new shape.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

About The Author

© Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about liposuction, please go to: http://liposuction.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/.

How Can You Find Newport Beach Liposuction Center?

How Can You Find Newport Beach Liposuction Center?
by: Jeff Lakie

Finding the clinic that performs liposuctions in Newport Beach is quite easy. All Newport Beach liposuction clinics have their websites, so it's a good idea to start looking for them on the Net. Then continue the survey by visiting them personally and seeing how the clinics look like. But you must understand a few things before you start searching Newport Beach. Liposuction has its limits and you have to know them before you decide to have it.

What is liposuction?

Technically speaking, it is a process of removing fat from certain parts of your body. Fat is removed by inserting a small tube through tiny incisions close to the area to be suctioned. Incisions are very small, often only a few millimeters long, but it is surely a surgery, not cosmetics. It isn't an alternative to a diet as liposuction is used only as a tool to shape your body, not to make it thinner. Even at the best plastic surgery clinic in Newport Beach, liposuction will not help you in changing your appearance drastically. It can remove a spare tire, but not ten of them.

What can be achieved by liposuction?

When you find an appropriate clinic in Newport Beach for your liposuction, make sure you're realistic in your expectations. If you want to look good, you're fit and healthy, but you just can get rid of the fat that occupies one specific area of your body, the liposuction might be the solution to this problem. It can help you in shaping your body, and in cosmetic changes of your figure. The change is stable, but there is no Newport Beach liposuction center that will insure that the fat will not return if you gain weight again. If you gain more fat, it has to go somewhere - not necessarily to the same area as before, but the fat will show up somewhere anyway.

Is there a Newport Beach liposuction center that is the best?

The answer is simple: no. There are at least dozen professional plastic surgery clinics there and most of them specialize in liposuction, but there is no clear leader there. You have to compare the prices and decide yourself which one is the best.

About The Author

Jeff Lakie is the founder of http://www.certified-plastic-surgeon.com a website providing information on cosmetic surgery.

How To Deal With Liposuction

How To Deal With Liposuction
by: Diana Valo

It’s not a secret that every single woman (and even man) wants to look nice and attractive. We can’t image our day without make up, fashion clothes, fresh breath, white teeth, unwrinkled face, and even some extra pounds make us so upset! Yes, sometimes each extra kilo may destroy individual’s self- reliance. Women try to reduce extra weight by diet, exercising, starvation or they try effective fat removal method – liposuction.

Liposuction (lipoplasty) is a popular form of cosmetic plastic surgery which can help sculpt the human body by eliminating unwanted fat from certain areas of the body (typically the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks). During liposuction, fat is removed by liquefying it and sucking it out through a hollow needle or vacuum device. Is it everything what you know about lipo surgery? If yes, follow these recommendations and get known how to deal with liposuction!

First, you have to be sure that liposuction is especially for you. The best candidates for lipoplasty are considered to be normal-weight patients with compact, elastic skin who have an accumulation of fat in certain areas that are resistant to exercise and dieting. A minimum age for liposuction is at least 17. Before surgery don’t use any alcohol and medications - they will slow the effect of anesthesia!

You have to know that surgery itself is painless, but a period of recovery may be very painful. It may be necessary to find a caregiver, who will help with such daily cares as walking you to bathroom, cleaning you incisions, making food and etc.

Every surgery includes a number of complications. It may be swelling, bruising and, of course, pain. The surgeon will prescribe medications that will help you to reduce pain and recommend using ice packs on swollen area of body during the first 3 day after surgery. Pain attention on what you eat! Select non-spicy food, fresh juice (vegetable or fruit) and drink at least 7-8 glasses of water.

Soon after the surgery you will see the results that are believed to be permanent and enjoy your new look! It is a good feeling to wear everything you want, be it a short dress or bikini, isn’t it?

About The Author

Diana Valo is the owner of http://www.cosmeticmiracles.com website.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Requesting Insurance Pre-Approval

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Requesting Insurance Pre-Approval

You have done your research on gastric bypass surgery, and determined whether your insurance carrier will pay for the procedure. You have the CPT/ICD-9 codes memorized, and you’re on a first-name basis with the member services rep at the insurance company. You have prepared the documentation required by your carrier, and the big day is finally here: It’s time to submit all this information with a request for pre-approval of your gastric bypass procedure.

Increase Your Chances of Insurance Success
The checklist below can help you ensure you have obtained everything needed to increase your chances of securing preauthorizing for weight loss surgery from your insurance carrier:

1. A letter of medical necessity from your primary care physician or a medical specialist recommending you for weight loss surgery
2. Doctor’s records of office visits documenting your history of obesity (this should include documentation supporting The National Institute of Health guidelines of severe and morbid obesity)
3. A well-documented list of any serious health issues, such as hypertension or diabetes, considered a direct result of severe or morbid obesity
4. A detailed list of any doctor-prescribed medications for weight loss
5. Supporting documents pertaining to any medically-supervised diet programs
6. Evaluation records and clearance if under the care of a mental health specialist or if taking psychotherapeutic medication, such as anti-depressants
7. Records of any tests requested by your insurance company and their results

Submitting Your Request
After verifying that you have gathered all required documents, the office of your gastric bypass surgeon or your primary care physician will likely assist you in submitting a request for preauthorization. You may also submit the information yourself, but your request will likely be given more weight if coming from a medical practitioner.

Along with your required documents, the letter to your insurance company from your doctor will contain pertinent information to help in the pre-approval process. This correspondence should clearly identify the date, your name, and the reason for the letter (e.g., “request for preauthorization”). Your date of birth, insurance number, and group number should come immediately after this information, after which the body of the letter should follow.
Making Your Case
Within the body of the letter, your doctor should again state your name, along with your age and gender, and the long-term medical problem for which you are requesting coverage of treatment—in this case, severe or morbid obesity.

The body of the letter should also include your weight and height, and note that your body mass index (BMI) is excessive for the criteria of obesity. In addition, your doctor should state clearly that if the weight problem continues, you would suffer from serious health risks, resulting in a shorter life span. The following are other topics that should be addressed in your request for preauthorization:

• The specific period of time you have been in your doctor’s care expressly to manage your obesity.
• Details of your active involvement in recommended diet or medication remedies. Include the amount of weight lost in following these recommendations and show that you have suffered from continued weight gain after trying these programs.
• The current list of medical conditions directly resulting from weight issues, and assurance that these issues would improve greatly upon shedding the excess weight following gastric bypass surgery.
• The procedure expected to take place, the surgeon expect to perform the procedure, the address and telephone number of the surgeon or bariatric treatment center, and the expected length of hospital stay.
• A description of the surgery, including details of the benefits you seek to gain from gastric bypass surgery.

Prior to sending the request, be sure to make copies for yourself and your physician or surgeon, and attach all supporting documentation. You may also want to send your letter via registered or certified mail, so you can mark the date when your request was filed and have proof that it was received

Ulcerative Colitis: Life After Surgery

Ulcerative Colitis: Life After Surgery

It is an unfortunate reality that many people suffering from ulcerative colitis will require surgery to rectify obstructions in the intestine. This surgery is often unplanned due to the fact that it is usually conducted at short notice and under emergency conditions. There are many horror stories that describe sufferers of ulcerative colitis being rushed to hospital with abdominal pains and waking up after having 18 inches of their intestines removed http://www.diverticulosis1.com . Sadly, medical professionals are yet to find a cure for colitis and therefore surgeons are left to deal with symptoms when they are otherwise impossible to treat. If surgery is unavoidable however, it is possible to reclaim a normal life depending on the extent of the surgery and how much of the intestines were removed.

Surgery to rectify and intestinal obstructions or blockages from sufferers of ulcerative colitis can be divided into two categories, small intestine surgery and large intestine surgery.

After small intestine surgery, the bowel is capable of increasing its absorptive capacity to compensate for the loss of the removed section of the intestine. Therefore, by allowing the intestines to heal properly and adjust to the changes, a person with colitis can return to life as normal. This includes a return to the regular diet that was consumed before surgery was performed. In severe cases where a more significant amount of the intestine is removed, the remaining intestine may be unable to fully compensate for the loss of surface area. The obvious alternative to an underperforming intestine is to increase the caloric value of food that is consumed. For more diet information you can visit http://www.diverticulitis1.com . This should balance the deficit in food absorption and reduce the amount of weight that is lost as a result of the surgery. In cases of severe ulcerative colitis, food supplements may need to be delivered to the stomach via a tube or alternatively, into the blood stream.

Following large intestine surgery, a special diet of high caloric value is rarely needed. This is due to the fact that much of the function of the large intestine is related to water absorption. The initial diet following the operation will most likely be dominated by liquids and slowly transition back to a regular diet. In cases where the whole intestine is removed, an ileostomy will be formed using the surrounding tissue. Due to the function of the colon in absorbing water and salt, both will need to be consumes in higher amounts.

Aesthetic Chin Surgery - Considerations before the Procedure

Chin implant surgery, or aesthetic chin surgery, is both a cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery meant to provide better balance to the face. It is usually done at the time of nose surgery. Aesthetic chin surgery uses implants of various shapes and sizes made out of solid and/or semi solid materials. It can give dramatic results in overall face enhancement.

The Need for Aesthetic Chin Surgery

Though chin implants do not solve all the chin problems, they can help to reshape a patient's face dramatically. Its role in facial reconstruction cosmetic surgery is vital, though for aesthetic purposes chin implants are mainly performed to create a more symmetrical face or aid in lessening an uncorrected orthodontic under bite.

Chin implants can have wonderful effects on a patient’s self esteem, but will not produce perfect results as each patient is different. Chin implants are most often used to bring a face into balance, so the procedure will not correct the entire face and make a patient perfect, but it will help to even out disproportional features.

Suitable Candidates for Chin Implant Surgery

Candidates with good general health and having realistic expectations from the cosmetic surgery are the best ones for chin implant surgery. Before cosmetic chin surgery, the surgeon needs to be informed about the candidate’s medical conditions. Patients who smoke may be advised to quit prior to the chin implants as healing may be delayed due to the smoking habit. If the patient has a history of dental problems, that may also factor into their candidacy for chin implants.

Chin Implant Surgery - Procedure

Chin implant surgery needs similar surgical conditions that are required for cheek implants surgery. The implant can be done in a surgical office, surgical center, or in a hospital, depending on the patient’s case. In some cases, the patient may need to stay overnight at a hospital for observation depending on the outcome of the chin implant procedure. Anesthesia for chin implants also depends on the case. Sometimes a local anesthetic can be given along with sedation—the patient will be awake but relaxed, and will not experience pain. In some cases, the patient and surgeon may opt for general anesthesia. Anesthesia alone can carry its own risks and should be discussed with the surgeon prior to the chin implant surgery.

Most often, an incision is made inside the lower lip, or under the chin. An implant of the desired size and shape is then placed inside the chin. If the incision is inside the mouth, it is closed with sutures (stitches) that later dissolve. If the incision is under the chin, removable sutures are usually used. At the end of the surgery, the chin is often taped to minimize swelling. The procedure typically takes between 30 and 60 minutes.

Chin Surgery Complications

Like cheek implants, chin implants do carry some potential complications, though rare. So it is better for the patients receiving chin implants to consult with the surgeon thoroughly. Chin implants carry the possibility of the shifting of the implant. If this occurs, a second chin operation may be necessary to adjust the chin implants position. Infection is always a concern with a surgical procedure and may occur with chin implants. Antibiotics can control infection should it happen. Certain chin implants may cause other risks and will need to be discussed with a surgeon. Some of the chin implants are made of silicone, and some patients may have a reaction to it, although there isn’t much scientific evidence that supports this claim.

Brad Jones specializes in aesthetic chin surgery. He leads a forum on cosmetic plastic surgery.

Sun Sea ANd Sand

For the ultimate beach vacation there is no better location than that of “Jomtien Beach” in Thailand
Which is just a two hours ride in a taxi from Bangkok Airport.
The Jomtien Beach is located about two kilometers from its busy counterpart resort of South Pattaya.
Jomtien beach and the area along its beach road have now become more and more popular for swimming, water sports and activities because it has a long straight coastline and they’re being less boats anchored in its waters. There are very many good quality hotels, bungalows and guesthouses. A wide range of small and large condominiums is also available for short or long term rental and many good restaurants serving a wide variety of fresh seafood with a full range of Thai cuisine and International dishes.
Many tourists come to this area to just enjoy the scenery and the beach. Chairs are available to sit with a table to have food and drink served directly to you as you soak up the sun or simply lay back and listen to the waters lapping on the sand.
Go swimming or enjoy water sports such as wind surfing, ride a water scooter, parasail or take a speed boat ride, even water skiing is possible.
The Jomtien Beach has good quality white sand and a very long coastline to enjoy. The beach is much more peaceful here than its counterpart of Pattaya further up the coast. The beaches are always kept in a pristine condition by the many vendors who are there to look after all your needs.
Along the early part of the straight beach road you will find many souvenir shops, international restaurants, food stalls. But at the far end of the beach road there are very good seafood restaurants and it is where you can find yourself at times the only person soaking up the sun.
You can also swim late into the night along a large part of the beach as the sands are floodlit which makes for a very safe environment to swim after the sun has gone down. May be you only want to simply find a quiet bar for any drink of your choosing. Many are available and the prices have to be seen to be believed.
Jomtien beach simply has it all without having to travel long distances. But if you fancy a more adventurous evening and want to enjoy a full range of nightlife activities Pattaya is just a few minutes down the coast. Transportation around the Pattaya and Jomtien area is simple. The open pick up cars
(Baht buses as they are locally called) are running all the time. Just hail one down and climb aboard.
Jomtien is one place in the world where a good quality beach vacation is simplicity itself.
How do I know these things – I live there.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Breast Augmentation Is Bigger Really Better?

Breast Augmentation - Is Bigger Really Better?

By: Kelly May

I can very well remember when I went in for my first consultation. I was lucky. I had an excellent plastic surgeon. I knew that, eventually, I was going to have breast augmentation, but I wasn't sure - at that point - if the doctor I was talking to was going to be the plastic surgeon I chose to perform my breast augmentation.

One of the first questions he asked was how I saw myself and my breasts. I told him that I wanted to be a D cup.

He smiled and said, "No."

I'm a petite girl, a fact which he reiterated when he told me he wouldn't give me "monster breasts". D's on my frame would make me look as if I were about to float up into outer space.

Instead, he gave me a C and I can't tell you how glad I am that he was so honest. With a C, I have a natural looking breast and no one ever suspects that I've had breast augmentation.

Most people, when they begin contemplating breast augmentation, believe that they want to go as big as possible, but if you want to achieve a natural look, you need to figure out exactly what cup size you'd like to be.

How to do this? My plastic surgeon took various implants, filled them with air and had me put them in my bra and see how each one looked. You can do this at home by purchasing various gel inserts and testing them out. Wear them outside with your regular outfits and see how you feel. If they feel too big, better to know now than to have to go down a size once you've had your breast augmentation. If they are too small, the same applies.

Big - or huge - is not always the best. Make sure you're comfortable with the size you choose.

Article Source: http://www.articlesubmission.com

Kelly May is the webmaster of BreastAugmentationSource.info and a breast augmentation patient. Visit her site for more articles and information about breast augmentation.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Will I Lose Sensation in my Nipples After Breast Surgery?

Will I Lose Sensation in my Nipples After Breast Surgery?
by: Karen Beaumont

I don't know a thing about you, but if you are anything like me, if you are either considering having Breast Surgery, or have taken the huge step (Congratulations!) and have your operation booked, one of the biggest fears you may well be having is whether or not you will lose sensation in your breasts or nipples.

This is a big, and extremely natural and reasonable fear. It's one thing to look like a sex bomb with your new breasts (and you will!), but what if they are no longer able to give YOU pleasure sexually (and therefore subsequentially your partner too)?

There's no getting away from it, breasts are a big sexual attraction for most males, and have been since Man has walked the Earth! Therefore, they are also central to how we feel about ourselves as a Woman, both to attract the opposite sex, but also how good we look and feel.

However, there is an awful lot of good news for you, which I can personally verify. Since I had my breast augmentation 4 months ago, I have lost no sensation in either my breasts or nipples, and would even go so far as to say that the sensation has increased - for the better!

Any surgery on the breast can result in the breast and/or nipple being over or under sensitive on one or both sides. This change can vary in degree and may be temporary or permanent.

Thankfully, nipple sensation can take up to one year to return to normal, but it usually does, in most cases. During the healing procress, you may feel numb, or overly sensitive, or both. This usually resolves with time, and is not a problem. It's just more aggravating than anything else.

It is very important to remember that it can take up to 1 year, possibly 2, for full sensation to return after breast augmentation surgery. Most women, however, seem to get most of their feeling back sooner than that.

Personally, I can vouch for it being much sooner, around 2 months before sexual pleasure returned, and at 4 months it has returned more than fully - with a bonus! Not only is sensation more enhanced, but I have always suffered from inverted nipples - not any more!!

However, there is one important consideration before going ahead with breast surgery regarding the location of the incision. There are various incision sites, the breast crease underneath the breast being the most popular. Second in popularity is the periareolar incision (made in the areola). The incision is usually a small semi-circle. The scar is camouflaged by the nipple. However, if there are any imperfections in the scar, it will be highly visible. This type of incision has an increased risk for diminished nipple sensation.

So although loss of sensation is a risk, it is only a very small risk, for which the benefits may well be worth the risk as far as you are concerned.

So now you know this, and your mind is put at ease, what are you waiting for? Enjoy the benefits - you will!!

About The Author

Karen Beaumont tells you the things you need to know before considering Breast Augmentation in her best-selling eBook "Boob Job Secrets". Read the book online from this link: http://www.BoobJobSecrets.com.