Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Removing Keloid Scars

Author: Martha Fitzharris
Website: www.naturalbioskincare.com

Keloid is the term used to describe the appearance of an unusual tissue that grows around the injured area of the skin. This happens while the healing process in the skin begins and collagen (cellular structure which accounts to the stretching ability of the skin) fills the damaged part of the skin.

Keloid happens when the tissue filling occurs in an overflowing proportion. In some way, the healing process was completed in an abnormal way. So, you may be very upset about the appearance of this skin problem, nobody wants to have skin blemishes. And they may affect person’s self esteem. Sometimes it could also carry some small problems like itching and some pain.

There’s really no scientific explanation about this type of abnormal healing process of the skin. However, it is noted that this commonly occurs in people of African or Asian origin, thus this leads to the conclusion that keloid scars are genetically acquired.

Types of injuries that would have a tendency on developing keloids include burns, surgery, injections, tatoos and piercing. If you already have a Keloid, you may be prone to developing more. A way to avoid this skin problem is to stay away from deep cut, wounds and operations.

Symptoms of Keloidal developing

- Itching or tenderness.

- Color that goes from very light pink to very dark.

- Firm, raised, hard scars.

But don’t worry about those ugly scars because now there’s a solution for improving keloids and other skin problems! Bio Skin Care Cream brings you the solution for those upsetting blemishes. This cream has ingredients which contains regenerating substances that promotes the natural healing process of the skin and healthy tissue remodeling, without overgrown cells.

Bio Skin Care Cream is made with only natural ingredients collected from the mucin of Chilean land snails (Helix Aspersa). The natural components of this cream gently activate SKIN RENEWAL and signal your neurological system to get rid of damaged skin cells and to replace them with new ones. The whole process is coordinated at the pace needed to restore a healthy and beautiful skin.

Looking for the best solution

Other options for removing keloid scars are corticosteroid injections, laser surgery, cryosurgery, etc. They all are invasive methods for improving skin blemishes. Let’s have a quick review so you can make an informed choice:

- Steroids injections treatment work by intensifying the activity of the collagen enzyme, which is the later responsible of breaking down collagen so that scars would slowly diminish its appearance.

- Silicone gel application is a process whereby a clear sheet of gel is applied to the injured area, wrap in cloth and fastened with bandage for at least twelve hours a day. With constant use, a flatter, much smoother keloid may result in a period of time that goes from two to twelve months. This process is usually repeated every two years.

- Mineral oil gel sheets are alternative to silicone gel application. This oil slowly melts into the skin thus giving the scar protection and moisture. This procedure is not recommended for open wounds.

- Laser methods may improve skin condition, but you have to know that they are very aggressive procedures. It is usually performed in combination of dermbrasion, or surgical excision.

- Dermbrasion is a type of process that includes the removing of the top layer of a scar with a high speed instrument, like a handheld laser or abrading tool. The scar will not completely disappear, but it will be less noticeable. This procedure must be performed by a plastic surgeon or qualify person.

- Z-plasty includes the repositioning of the scar so it lines up to the natural tissue healing of skin. As it is a surgery procedure, the old scar is removed and then incisions are made to create a flap in triangular shape. These flaps are then used to cover the wound in a "Z" pattern. And finally, with really fine stitches, the wound is closed.

Keloid scars can be inconvenient and upsetting, but they really don’t represent a vital risk. So, why go through all the hassles of surgery when you can look for a more natural and effective solution?

If you already have a Keloid you are prone to developing more of them in the future. Surgeries are very expensive and don’t really give you guarantees at all. Bette try with Bio Skin Care Cream, a solution that promotes the natural healing process of our skin, this way you will be able to improve and prevent future Keloids and ugly scars.

About the Author:
Martha Fitzharris is a free lance journalist for http://www.naturalbioskincare.com a website offering a new biological natural skin care product that activates skin renewal for a healthy skin.